Monday, June 27, 2005
To answer your second question first, just STOPTALKING ABOUT being a wrestler and martial artist. This reminds me of the construction worker who goes to the doctor and says "Doc, every time I hitmy finger with the hammer it really hurts. Whatshould I do?” STOP IT. Duh. OK, now let's talk about your INTERESTINGquestion. Well you asked for it. Your question was "How can I get close to herif she is being cautious...?” Based on what you've told me in your emailhere, I'd say that maybe you should use yourwrestling and martial arts skills to BEAT HER UP alittle. Dude, what are you TALKING ABOUT? lol... By the way, I'm joking about beating her up. Idon't usually tell people that I'm joking aboutthings, but in this case you sound so dense that Ihave to. Before I give you any more public verbal abuse,let me tell you something... I'm doing this for your own good. You need it. Back to the verbal abuse... There is something that you're OBVIOUSLY notseeing here. It's right in front of your face, but you'remissing it. In fact, there are TWO very important issuesthat we need to deal with. Let's talk about the MOST OBVIOUS one first: YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH DAMAGED GOODS... AND YOUCAN'T SEE IT. Unfortunately, this is the GOOD news. The BAD news is that you must have some majorissues if this is the kind of woman that interestsyou. As you can probably tell already, this isn'tthe kind of thing that I usually discuss in mynewsletters... but I feel that this particulardiscussion is going to help a lot of guys... sohere goes. I know, I know... You're a "good guy". You want to rescue her from the jerk, and showher how well you can treat her. You think that if you could just have thechance to TELL HER how you FEEL ABOUT HER thatshe'd see the light, and come running to yourarms... and you'd be able to give her everythingshe's always wanted in a man. You want to be the one that leads her tounderstand that she DESERVES BETTER, and she canhave it if she chooses you. I feel ya, dog. By the way, the only reason I know thisparticular situation so well is that I've LIVED ITa few too many times. It's ironic, but you're actually LUCKY thatthis particular girl isn't interested in you. You have no idea how much grief she's savingyou by not being interested. OK, back to the point... Let's talk. Just you and me. Like friends. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, MAN? It's always amazing to me how a guy will passup a dozen opportunities a day to walk over andmeet attractive women... but they'll spend days,weeks, months, or even YEARS trying to get theattention of a woman who isn't interested or isn'tWORTH it. It's great being human, isn't it? So why is this? Why do us guys do this to ourselves? What's up? I mean, maybe this girl reminds you of yourmom. I don't think I want to go there. Whatever it is, you really need to wake up andsmell reality. The last thing you want is a woman who is anABUSE MAGNET. I don't care what you say, or how nice youthink she is... the reality of this situation isthat you're hung up on a girl who needs more helpthan you can offer her. And again, the WORST part of this situation isthat you don't realize what this whole situationis saying about YOU. You're basically admitting that you are:1) Attracted to the wrong kinds of women.2) Blind.3) Obsessive. (By the way, so am I, so don't feel too bad.) So, what can a guy DO about a situation likethis one? Well, here are a few ideas:1) Forget this particular girl. She's probably notinterested in you to begin with, and even if shewas, she's likely to break your heart and dump youfor an abusive jerk (again) anyways.2) Take a look at yourself, and figure out whatyou REALLY want. If you want abuse, neglect, andpain, hire a dominatrix. Less heartache.3) Stop being so damn NICE. There's an incrediblelesson here, but you're not seeing it. Guess whythis girl chose the jerk over you? Hint: It wasNOT because he was chasing her around andobsessing over her. It was because she feltATTRACTION for him. He triggered something insideof her that is MORE POWERFUL than REASON. You needto learn how to do THAT, my man. So let's have a little talk about ATTRACTION. I get a lot of email from guys who just don't"get it" when it comes to women and dating. It all usually starts with one simpleproblem... ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE... but men act likeit is. Women don't CHOOSE who they feel attracted to,just like men don't CHOOSE who they feel attractedto. It just happens. BAM! All at once. And it happens for a bunch of reasons thatdon't make a whole lot of "logical" sense, whenyou first look at them. And, MORE IMPORTANTLY, if you don't know whatmakes women feel that powerful instant emotionaland physical ATTRACTION for a man... and how totrigger it... then you're going to be out of luck. If you don't "GET IT", then nothing will workvery well for you. You'll be chasing women around for the rest ofyour life, trying to figure out why they aren'tinterested in a "nice" guy like you. On the OTHER hand, if you DO get it... and youlearn how and why women feel ATTRACTION, then justabout ANYTHING you do can work. There are a few key steps to learning how to besuccessful with women and dating, and you need tolearn them. For you, step one is to stop chasing crazywomen who like abuse. Step two is to go order my Advanced DatingTechniques program. One of the things you'll notice is that guysare constantly writing in to comment that thisprogram helped them "get it" and to see things ina different way... and THAT is what led to theirnew success. I'm telling you, us guys got some BAD, badprogramming... and we need a new way of looking atthings. By the way, in addition to taking you behindthe scenes of female psychology, my program willalso teach you literally HUNDREDS of specifictechniques for everything from overcoming yourfear of approaching women, meeting women online,taking things to a "physical" level, andeverything in between. I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
Your Friend,